The boys' birthdays are not today. Carter's Birthday was last week, McKay's birthday is next week. I wanted to give them seperate birthdays, but they wanted a Star Wars party, so we decided to give them a combined party. And time-wise we just split the difference.
We prepared for this party for over a month. We sewed little Jedi robes for all of their friends, we made lightsabers from pipe insulation, we planned activities, set up a skit (wrote a script, got a costume), and constructed a Death Star pinata (how do you add the ~?). By today, Suzanne and I were SICK of Star Wars - we wish we could just force it all out of our brains. Ugh!
Kind of last minute, we built a small obstacle course - a cardboard box tunnel, a bench to crawl over, spots on the floor to run on, and balloons to beat the children at the end. I named it "The Kessel Run" (the Millenium Falcon made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, according to Han Solo, even though a parsec is a measure of distance and not time) and assigned a spacey name to each part. I narrated as each child ran it - "Out of the hangar, over the mountains, down the hyperspace corridor, and through the asteroid field!" To our surprise, it was the hit of the party. The kids LOVED getting beat up by the punch ball balloons at the end!
We trained the kids then to fight with a lightsaber, which was a lucky thing, because Darth Vader himself tried to crash the party. (Movie below - click the play button)
The kids made short work of him and he left behind a clue to the location of the Death Star. The kids went on a treasure hunt to find the Death Star and quickly blew it up.
Then it was time for cake and ice cream then back for more of the Kessel Run (at the kids' request) until the box tunnel fell to pieces and the adults were too tired to hit anybody with another balloon. The boys opened their presents... After that, there were no plans. I don't know how things went to complete anarchy so quickly. The kids hit each other with balloon punch balls and lightsabers and there was no controlling them. The paint came off the lightsabers, glitter from the Death Star was tracked everywhere, and the noise level and energy level got higher and higher. We were very glad when the party ended. We said goodbye to the last guest, and we were exhausted but still had to clean up. I think everyone had a lot of fun and I hope the boys will remember it.
Noelle and I were fighting with action figures. She had PJ Masks, I had a T-Rex. Suddenly she grabbed the baby Jesus from the Nativity scene. Me: The dinosaur doesn't want to fight the baby Jesus. Noelle: Yes! The dinosaur likes baby Jesus because he so crunchy! December 2016
McKay was annoying Carter by saying the letter "E" at the end of everything anyone said. Me: McKay, you know you're annoying Carter by saying 'e', right? McKay (nodding): E. Me: Don't annoy him on purpose. Stop saying 'e'. McKay: E Me: I'm serious. Stop. McKay: I? August 2013
The boys learned the "Jinx, you owe me a soda" game at school. They do it constantly. We were all singing a song at the start of Family Home Evening. Carter was cracking up and Suzanne made everyone stop to see what was so funny. Carter: I keep saying 'Jinx!' Suzanne: Ok, very funny. But since we're all saying the same thing when we're singing, you can't do that. So when we're singing... McKay and Suzanne together: jinxes! McKay: Jinx! October 2012
Gabe: McKay, your bath would go so much faster if you would just focus while you're in there. McKay: But I can't focus! There's so much water! June 2012
McKay gave Carter a kiss on the cheek. Carter: Eww! McKay I don't want you to kiss me! McKay: Why not? Carter: What if you have Dorito lips!? March 2012
Gabe: I was just kidding. McKay: Dad, I knew you were kidding. You want to know how I knew you were just kidding? Gabe: How? McKay: Because I read your mind. January 2012
Suzanne: What are you doing, Carter? Carter: Practicing my kissing. Suzanne: Why? Carter: For when I'm a teenager. October 2011
Carter: Today at school I made friends with two people! One of them has a ponytail, but he's a boy. I don't know why he has a ponytail. October 2011
McKay: Once, when we lived in Oregon, when we were asleep, I opened my eyes and I saw Mom. Gabe: Oh... McKay: Yeah, it was like a Mom-angel. September 2011
Before bed, in the dark: McKay: Dad, you look invisible. September 2011
I told the boys the "Impatient cow" knock-knock joke. McKay came up with a variation that had me rolling on the floor: McKay: Knock knock. Me: Who's there? McKay: Impatient mom. Me: Impatient mo... McKay: I told you to go wash your hands! May 2011
McKay has been begging to watch cooking shows and is learning a lot. He understands (better than I do) what it means to "sautee", "fold in", "sear" and "braise." But now he comes up with the oddest questions, like this one at dinner tonight. McKay: Dad, would you like to eat a brain or an eyeball? May 2011
Suzanne helped McKay clip his toenails, then joked that they needed cutting because he couldn't bite them like his fingernails. Suzanne: Carter, it's time to check your toenails. Do you bite those, too? Carter: Not as often! It's too hard. (a demonstration followed) May 2011
Carter got a Capri Sun after his baseball game. Carter: This sweetens my life! May 2011
Carter is obsessed with Honey Nut Chex. I've collected his quotes about them at breakfast over the past week: Tuesday: They have a beautiful color! Friday: They have a wonderful taste! Monday: Honey Nut Chex is the master of all the other Chex flavors! February - March 2011
Gabe: (singing to the tune of "We are different" LDS Children's Songbook p. 263) You and me, and me and you. We get to sit here until 8:22... McKay: Stop singing! Gabe: I'm not allowed to sing? McKay: I only want you to sing where I can't hear you. February 2011
McKay (at 3 am): Daddy, I had a bad dream... There was a big guy throwing balls at me... And Mommy said I had to play with him. February 2011
Carter: Dad! You forgot (to do something) again! Why did you do that? Gabe: I don't know why. Carter: She swallowed the fly? Gabe: You truly are your father's son. Carter: Perhaps she'll die? February 2011
During the Superbowl the boys and I watched a player limp off the field, so we started talking about how football can be a dangerous sport - broken bones, concussions, etc. Gabe: I've even heard of players breaking their necks during a game and never being able to walk again. McKay: So they just have to run everywhere? February 2011
Kid Quotes, volume II
(because volume I is too glitchy to add to)
Gabe: Carter, what are the names of the twins at your school?
Carter: Well, now they're not twins because Jim has shorter hair.
January 2011
(Name changed)
Carter: Michael, at my school, has a girl's hair but a boy face.
January 2011
We were trying to decide if the boys were old enough to go to the Wax Works (a wax museum in Newport. 2 years ago the boys were terrified).
Carter: Yeah! Let's go to the Wax Works! I can play games at the arcade!
Gabe: You have video games at home, you don't need to spend money to play them.
Suzanne: If we go to the Wax Works, it won't be to play at the arcade.
Carter: Aw, you just broke my heart!
January 1, 2011
Carter got a haircut yesterday and got nervous.
Carter: Can you stop cutting my hair, please? Otherwise I will be bald.
December 2010
McKay decided to climb on the counter to help me make cookies.
Suzanne: Gabe, did you want him on the counter, or would you like him on the chair.
Gabe: I guess it doesn't matter what I want...
McKay: Yeah, cause I'm already up here.
November, 2010
McKay: Dad, why are people different colors, like brown and stuff?
Gabe: Because Heavenly Father made them that way.
McKay: Oh, so you can tell who's who?
Gabe: I guess that's one reason.
Carter: No, McKay. You can tell who people are because they look different... Except for Jim and Michael. They look the same.
McKay: Do they know who they are?
Carter: They know who they are because of their shirts.
McKay: They wear different shirts?
Carter: Right.
McKay: Oh. Different shirts.
October 2010
(Before the final hymn of the Primary program, in front of the entire church, loud enough for all to hear.)
Carter: UUUH! Not another song!
October 2010
Carter: We're pretending our puppies (stuffed animals) are talking to us. My puppy says to do good things, and McKay's puppy tells him to do bad things.
McKay: Yeah, like eat lots of candy!
July, 2010
McKay is only now strong enough to open the car door by himself. He pulls as hard as he can and when it opens, he gets thrown off balance... until this time.
Suzanne: McKay, you opened the door!
McKay: Yeah, without falling!
July, 2010
McKay: Sometimes I forget my question, so I just say 'I love you.'
June, 2010
Names changed to protect the innocent.
Gabe: Carter, who are your friends at school? Are you friends with Laurie?
Carter: Yeah, we play together.
Gabe: Who else is your friend?
Carter: Well, there's Mary. She's pretty. (Said with a breathy sigh)
Gabe: Do you have more friends?
Carter: I'm friends with Greg, and he's good-looking.
Gabe: Anyone else?
Carter: And there's Tyler, and you know he's good-looking!
Gabe: Are all your friends good-looking?
Carter: Yup! The boys are good-looking and the girls are as pretty as girls should be!
April, 2010
Carter and I had a power struggle. He wanted breakfast first, I wanted him to get dressed before eating breakfast. I put my foot down.
Carter: You've got to be kidding me! Well I am definitely not laughing.
April, 2010
McKay: Dad, I got (something on a video game)!
Gabe: That's because you're cool.
McKay: I AM cool! I'm WAY cooler than you!
April, 2010
Carter: When I have one hundred (dollars) then I could buy everything.
Gabe: Sorry, but that's not enough to buy everything.
Carter: How about one thousand?
Gabe: Noooo, you would need a lot more than that.
Carter: How about one thousand and two?
April 2010
Carter hit his head and got a scratch near his eye. I was sure someone was going to call Child Protective Services when I asked him what he told people when they ask what happened to his eye.
Carter: I don't tell them. I want to keep it a horrible secret.
March, 2010
Carter: My brain always grows branches when I sleep.
March 2010
Gabe: McKay, do you need to go potty?
McKay: No, I don't need to go potty. I wasn't doing the potty dance at all.
March 2010
(To his friend)
Carter: You can't have everything you want... Life doesn't work like that!
March 2010 (We've since learned this is a direct quote from "The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies")
(Carter was testing me on my math. After 5 minutes he thought up a hard one):
Carter: What's one hundred take away two?
Gabe: Ninety-eight.
Carter: Wow, you're getting good.
March, 2010
(During a Family Home Evening lesson about being created in the image of God)
Suzanne: Heavenly Father has a body like us.
McKay: Yeah, but He glows.
March, 2010
McKay: Mommy, why are you so pretty?
February, 2010
Kid Quotes
This isn't really a quote like the others, but McKay likes to substitute silly words into his speech, i.e. "Watch me do a Ponky!" "That looks like a Honkshoe!" "I'm gonna eat a Ding!" "Ucka Pucka!"
We tried to discourage this by pretending it was normal, but that COMPLETELY backfired. Now conversations might devolve into something like this:
McKay: Carter and I played Ponky on the Nothing!
Gabe: Ponky Ding Honkshoe.
McKay: Honky ding ding!
February 2010
Suzanne: I made the boys eat one bite of mashed potatoes with gravy. They both said it was bad "Bleah, yuck!" Carter started gagging on it...
Carter: (laughs) That was my favorite part!
February 2010
McKay: I want some milk. Oh no! I don't want any milk. Oh no, I do want some milk... My teacher tells me to think in my brain before I talk.
February 2010.
Getting dressed:
McKay: Dad, I need help buttoning and zippening.
December 2009
While pretending to talk on the phone:
McKay: I'm talking to a girl, so be quiet!
December 2009
While Trick-or-Treating we heard McKay using this line to get more candy:
McKay: Can I have another?
So we gave him this speech:
Gabe: McKay, don't ask for more candy. Take what they give you and say 'Thank you.' But don't say "can I have another."
McKay: But if you say that, you get more candy.
October 2009
The movie "Astro Boy" has a scene where Astro Boy's back pockets slide open to reveal weapons.
Astro Boy: I have machine guns... in my butt!
McKay: (laughing) Carter, that's the funny part because they say the word "butt"!
October 2009
Suzanne: (to Gabe) So, your big race is this weekend.
Gabe: Yup, and I'm going to smoke everybody... who's slower than me.
Carter: Dad, we don't smoke.
-October 2009
McKay: Mommy, do you know my friends' names?
Suzanne: No, what are their names?
McKay: Um, I don't know either.
-October 2009
Carter:...but I don't like baths. Or showers!
Gabe: Well, I guess we'll have to just scrape the dirt off your skin with a very sharp knife.
McKay (very defensively): Don't you do that to him! Don't you do that to my brother!
-September 2009
Carter: Can I have dessert?
Gabe: No, you're not done. You have to eat your corn.
Carter: Dad, you have to stop giving me corn! I'm FULL of corn!
-September 2009
Gabe: I had to bring a flashlight on my run this morning because it was so dark.
Carter: Was there a bad guy?
Gabe: You watch too much TV.
-September 2009
While talking about Grandma and Papa's old house:
Gabe: You boys never saw it - you weren't even born! The last time we were there Carter was in Mom's tummy.
McKay: And I was in your tummy, Dad?
-September 2009
The boys want a Wii after visiting Grandma and Papa Phillips. We told them we'd pay half if they could save the other half and have been trying to use this to teach them about money and chores. At Wal-mart the boys got excited.
McKay: Are we going to buy a Wii now?
Gabe: No, so far you only have four dollars. You need a LOT more than four.
McKay: Five?
-September 2009
We explained a popular saying to McKay when he took more food than he could eat. An hour later after a big dessert, Carter said, "I can eat the whole thing because my stomach is bigger than my eyes."
-August 2009
We have fish now and one of them died. I explained that the fish had gone to live with Heavenly Father, then I tried to sneak away to flush it. Carter caught me.
Carter: Is the toilet the fish's Heavenly Father?
-August 2009
Suzanne: Carter, is that a booger? Do you need a Kleenex?
Carter: No, it's ok, I can put it back in my nose.
-August 2009
At the Chinese restaurant, the waiter served Carter a full-size water glass instead of a kid cup with a lid and straw.
Carter: He thinks I'm a grown-up!
-August 2009
Carter: I can play "Row, row, row your boat" on the piano!
Gabe: That's because you're awesome.
Carter: I will show you what I am awesome at, I'm awesome at playing my music.
-July 2009
Carter: McKay, don't drink that! That's my water!
McKay: (Takes a sip) Accidents happen.
-July 2009
Suzanne: "Carter, don't rush McKay in the bathroom. If you need to go potty that badly, go upstairs."
Carter: "But I don't need to go potty badly. I need to go potty goodly."
-June 2009
(While playing Papa Phillips' remote control airplane computer simulator)
Carter: Grandma, I need a new airplane. This one keeps crashing!
-June 2009
(While I tried to teach him the first Article of Faith, i.e., "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.")
Gabe:..."and in his son"
Carter: "and in his son"
Gabe: Who's God's son?
Carter: Um, the bishop!
Gabe: Well, yes, the bishop is a child of God, but here we're specifically talking about Jesus Christ.
Carter: Amen!
-June 2009
McKay: Little boys say beautiful prayers!
-June 2009
While watching "Go, Diego, Go" there was a scene where Diego and his new rabbit friend shared a bunch of carrots.
McKay: He eats carrots! And bunnies!
Carter: (laughing) Eating animals is silly!
-Summer 2008